John Purchase Public School

Advance Together

Telephone02 9875 3100



School A-Z is a website created by the Department of Education to assist families with practical help for parents and families. There is also an app that can be downloaded onto your tablet/smartphone. See



School photos are usually taken during Term 1 each year by a professional photographer. Parents are issued with an envelope on which to order their preferred photo pack. Later in the year students involved in any special groups eg. Sport, dance, public speaking have their photos taken by a professional photographer and parents have the option of buying these photos through special order.



NSW public schools are committed to providing safe, supportive and responsive learning environments for everyone.  We teach and model the behaviours we value in our students.


In NSW public schools students are expected to:

  • Respect other students, their teachers and school staff and community members
  • Follow school and class rules and follow the directions of their teachers
  • Strive for the highest standards in learning
  • Respect all members of the school community and show courtesy to all students, teachers and community members
  • Resolve conflict respectfully, calmly and fairly
  • Comply with the school's uniform policy or dress code
  • Attend school every day (unless legally excused)
  • Respect all property
  • Not be violent or bring weapons, illegal drugs, alcohol or tobacco into our schools
  • Not bully, harass, intimidate or discriminate against anyone in our schools



Specialist religious instruction (known as scripture class) is held each Tuesday. Students from Kindergarten to Year 2 attend scripture classes between 11.30am and 12pm each Tuesday and the students from Years 3 to 6 attend the classes from 12pm to 12.30pm each Tuesday. Parents can exempt students from these classes by completing the relevant form which is available in the front office.



Parents are asked to ensure that their children do not enter the school grounds out of hours.


Local residents are also asked to report to police if they have reason to suspect the actions of people on school grounds out of school hours.

Eastwood Police                     9858 5944

School Security Hotline          1300 880 021 (24 hours)



We understand that parents/students may take photographs of school events. However no photographs/videos are to uploaded to any social media without the permission of all the people involved in the video/photo to protect student's/families privacy.




Our school provides students with the opportunity to participate in SPECTRA (Science Program Exciting Children Through Research Activities) on a yearly basis. It is available to students in Year 1-6, with SPECTRA aimed at students in year 5 and above and SPECTRA Junior aimed at students 1-4. This is a voluntary activity and notes are sent out yearly when the program is available.




Students participate in carnivals as well as weekly sport lessons. Children from kindergarten to Year 2 focus on developing gross motor, ball and games skills. Students in Years 3 to 6 select a sport to play on Friday afternoons. In winter, stage 3 students may be selected to play in a competitive team in either netball or soccer, and in summer they may be selected to play in a competitive team either softball or oztag. This involves students attending an additional practice session. Other choices are available for children not playing competitive sport.



Our House names are Aboriginal -


         ARINYA                        (Kangaroo)                            -  Red


         BUKARI                        (Ring Tail Possum)             -  Blue


         DERIBONG                  (Green Tree)                         -  Green


         MERIKI                         (Night Bird)                            -  Yellow




In addition to our class teachers, the school is staffed by a number of specialist staff including: a teacher librarian, English as a Second Language (ESL) teacher, Support Teacher (Learning Assistance), Reading Recovery teacher, school counsellor, and teachers who fulfill a specialist role by teaching a component of the syllabus such as physical education. This syllabus area varies from time to time. The senior administrative assistant (known as the SAM) and the school administrative officers (known as SAOs) work in the front office and are happy to help parents with enquiries. The general assistant carries out general maintenance work in the school and our cleaners keep the school and grounds clean.




The school curriculum is divided into stages. Kindergarten is referred to as Early Stage One, Years 1 & 2 are Stage One, Years 3 & 4 are Stage Two and Years 5 & 6 are Stage Three. This continues into high school, where: Years 7 & 8 are Stage Four, Years 9 & 10 are Stage Five and Years 11 and 12 are Stage Six.



Class teachers send out a stationary requirements list to families at the end of the year or beginning of the year and include all relevant equipment students will require throughout the year.




There are a number of costs that are passed on to parents, associated with educating children including excursions and school camps. If parents experience financial difficulty and would like assistance, they should contact the principal, deputy principal or senior administrative manager. The state government provides a small amount of funding to help parents with financial difficulties, subsidise these payments.




The school captains and vice captains are elected and fulfil various responsibilities such as leading fortnightly assemblies. Other Year 6 leadership roles include: library monitors and sport captains.




Students are involved in the school's decision making processes through elected student representatives. At the beginning of the year, students in Years 2-6 nominate 2 class representatives. They represent their class for a semester each and attend fortnightly meetings to present their views.



Australia has the highest incidence of skin cancer in the world with a growing number of Australians developing some form of skin cancer during their life times. Students should therefore:

¿    apply sunscreen before coming to school in the morning.

¿    keep a small roll on bottle of sunscreen in their lunch box to reapply.

¿    wear a school hat.

¿    wear the school uniform.

¿    play under a covered area if they forget to wear their hat.

¿    play in the shade or under the covered area when possible but particularly during peak UVR times.



Students should not arrive at school before 8.25 a.m. Students who arrive before this time are asked to sit on the steps in the canteen area until directed by a teacher into the COLA. Students remain in the COLA until bell time.  Children are not to be in classrooms before school unless invited by the teacher and the teacher is present. 


Students should not arrive at school after 8.55 a.m.  Any child who arrives after this time will be issued with a late note.  The COLA is directly supervised before school by the Executive Staff.  Any problems arising during that time should be referred to the executive staff member on duty. Students should be at school ready to assemble when the bell rings at 8.55 a.m.








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