The band program enables children to enjoy playing music as part of a group, and develops teamwork and a sense of achievement. The band program is open to students in Years 3 to 6. A band performance, blow test session and application to participate in the band program, is held in fourth term each year, and is aimed at Year 2 students or students from Years 3 to 5 for the following year. Practice sessions are held before and after school in the school hall. Children enrolling in the bands need to organise private tuition lessons prior to commencing with their instruments. There are three bands, as listed below:
Concert Band
This band is made up of the students who are most accomplished on their instruments. Students who gain entry into the Concert Band will play more challenging and complex pieces.
Senior Band
This band consists of students who have reached a standard that is well beyond beginners'level. Students have been learning music for over a year and enjoy being challenged with a broad repertoire of concert pieces which contain an increased degree of difficulty.
Training Band
Training Band is the ideal opportunity for the students to become confident with their new instruments in an environment which is both supportive and fun.
All new band members will initially be placed in the Training Band, and be provided with the opportunity to progress to the Senior Band depending on their ability.
See (student welfare; Welfare)for information
Best Start is designed to identify each student's literacy and numeracy skills and understanding at the beginning of Kindergarten. Parents receive a written report by the end of Term 1 about their child's level of understanding following the assessment. The purpose is to help inform the development of quality teaching and learning programs for all students. Students are placed on the Literacy and Numeracy continuum of learning, with teachers updating student achievement levels on an ongoing basis.
For the first week of the school year parents are asked to register for an appointment for the completion of the Best Start assessment.
**Please note- during the first week of school Kindergarten students attend half days from 8:55-11:45 ONLY to allow the Best Start Assessment process to occur.
Children may choose to ride bicycles to school. Children are asked to lock and chain their bike to the racks outside the administration building. The school does not take responsibility for lost or stolen bicycles.
Students who have turned 10 years old may apply for a bike licence to ride a bike to school. Skateboards, scooters and roller skates are not to be used to come to school.
Scooter licences may be applied for but require a parent meeting to discuss specific guidelines.
If your child is riding a bicycle to school, please ensure he/she:
- wears a helmet while riding the bicycle.
- checks that the bike is in good working order.
- knows to dismount and walk the bikes to and from the racks outside the front office.
- knows to lock the bicycle to the bike racks.
- talks to you about their planned route to and from school.
- is aware of the Roads and Maritime rules. These are available at the website
Many parents enjoy sending in treats to share with the class for their child's birthday. If you intend on sending in any treats please see your classroom teacher.
If your child has specific allergies you may like to send in a bag of appropriate treats to your classroom teacher that your child can enjoy.
Some class teachers maintain their own class blog for students to use and showcase the work in their classroom. All teachers send home a permission slip to the families in their class to request their permission for student work, photos and videos to be uploaded to the blog. Some teachers may also set their class homework to be completed online. Please see your classroom teacher if you have any questions.
The school receives book club order forms from Scholastic. These are sent home with students and orders need to be returned to the classroom teacher by the due date.
During Kindergarten Orientation students are introduced to a buddy in Year 5. The older buddies write a letter about themselves to give to their preschool buddy to assist them getting to know each other and the letter is sent home with the student. When school commences the following year the new Year 6 students assist their younger buddy in the transition into the playground and settling into school.
A building fund was established so that parents, community members and businesses could make tax deductible donations to the school to assist us in making capital improvements, maintaining our buildings and fixtures and installing new fixtures. Donations to the building fund are greatly appreciated and can be made at any time at the school office.
Students may be eligible for subsidised bus travel to and from school on the government buses. Children wait for buses on Purchase Rd, under the bus shelter. They should carry their bus pass with them while travelling to & from school. Please contact the school office for an application form.
* As with the car park, parents are asked not to park in the bus bay.