John Purchase Public School

Advance Together

Telephone02 9875 3100



Our school canteen provides fresh and nutritious snacks and lunches at affordable prices. Orders can be placed over the counter before school, or alternatively, using the convenient online ordering system. Log onto by 9.30am and follow the prompts. The orders are then made up by our canteen supervisor and/or volunteer assistants. You are most welcome to help out in the canteen, even if it's just for a couple of hours. This is a great way of meeting other parents and helping the school.

Lunch orders

Lunches can be ordered either on-line (please go to to register and set up your account) or manually by following the below steps:
  • Choose the lunch items you would like from the canteen menu
  • Write your child's name, class and order items on a paper bag
  • Total up the cost and write this clearly next to the items
  • Place the money for the order in the bag and fold the bag over firmly
  • Ensure that the money is secure in the bag using a small amount of sticky tape
  • Drop the order into the canteen before school or have your child hand it in to their teacher first thing in the morning.

Completed lunch orders are sent back to your child's class before lunch.


A number of sports carnivals are held throughout the year. These include swimming, athletics and cross country carnivals for students from Year 3 to Year 6. The primary carnivals are designed to select children who will go on to compete at district level.

Successful competitors at the district level may qualify for participation in area, state and then national levels.

Students in K-2 participate in a K-2 cross country and athletics carnival.


At the end of every school year we hold a Celebrations of Learning assembly where students receive a certificate acknowledging their achievements throughout the school year. The Year 6 graduation assembly also includes special awards for achievement in specific areas of schooling life. Parents are warmly invited to attend these assemblies.


If your child loves to sing and learn new songs they may be able to join one of our choirs. We have a Stage 2 choir and a Stage 3 choir. The choirs attend practice sessions, perform at school functions throughout the year and may also be involved in singing outside the school. In 2014, for example, our choral ensemble, performed at the Sydney Opera House and in 2015, our senior choir performed at the Sydney Town Hall and in the School Spectacular, held at the Qantas Credit Union Arena (formerly known as the Entertainment Centre).


Our school offers students the opportunities to participate in external competitions which may be free or at a cost to families. Some competitions we have been involved in are the ICAS competitions, as well as public speaking, debating, Premiers Reading and Spelling challenges and more. Parents are notified of available upcoming competitions by a teacher or via the school newsletter.


General enquiries should be made at the school office which is located at the front of the administration building. The contact number for the school is 9875 3100.

Specific enquiries about your child's progress or social interactions should be made to the class teacher. We ask parents to make an appointment to meet with the teacher at a mutually convenient time and to understand that teachers cannot meet while they are teaching or supervising children. Appointments can be made via a note or in person at the office. Some teachers prefer communication via email and will let parents know if this is a preferred method of initial contact.


Each student has contact information provided by parents stored in the office that are essential to your child's welfare in an emergency. Please notify the school of change of address, telephone number, health requirements and emergency contact details as soon as they occur. It is vital that these details are kept up to date so that we can contact parents promptly in the event of injury or illness to a child. Parents are also asked to supply an email address to allow for email communication of updates and other information.


Our school counsellor attends school twice each week and works closely with the learning support team. The school counsellor's work involves: counselling students, assisting parents, assessing students, helping to identify and plan for students with special needs and liaising with other agencies. If you would like to make an appointment to see the school counsellor, please contact the front office.


 Your child's education will be based on covering the outcomes across six key learning areas:

  • English
  • Maths
  • Science and Technology
  • Human Society and its Environment
  • Creative Arts which includes: Drama, Music, Art and Dance
  • Physical Education, Health and Personal Development

Our school implements the Board of Studies NSW Syllabus for the Australian Curriculum.


The school should be advised in writing of any special or unusual arrangements concerning our students. The Principal is to be notifies of any court orders or family arrangements and will be treated in strict confidence. A photocopy of any court order denying a parent access to a child must be sent to the school. Should custody arrangements change at any time it is essential the Principal be notified in writing.

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